There are rare areas not being daily improved by contemporary information technology. Therefore SCADA/HMI applications are not being used only in automation of industrial processes in factories, as most obvious use of industrial automation, but also in traffic regulation, gathering meteorological data,
sorting goods in warehouses
Here you can find short descriptions of some typical industrial automation tasks.
Electric power distribution
Computerized control of medium voltage electric distribution network enables the distributor to achieve more reliable electric power supply, thereby reducing operational costs as well as the electric-power system maintenance costs.
In certain cases a telemetric system includes an alternating current analyzer in order to additionally improve quality of service. In those cases measurements are performed through direct connections to various medium-voltage sensors. Based on such measurements PLC calculates key parameters like voltage, current, lading balance (trim), energy consumption, harmonic distorsion and power factor.
Water supply and drainage
Targets set in front of anyone dealing with water, regardless if supplying with water or draining, are usually the same: reducing maintenance costs, quick detection of mechanical troubles, reducing the price of spent energy, reducing of investments for system growth and reducing losses.
Automation offers realization of all targets mentioned above. PLC devices monitor water flow through pipes thereby achieving better pressure regulation, reducing useless consumption and helping to reduce waste of water and energy. Water level in reservoirs is also monitored, so pumps can be managed in the most effective and economic way. The system gathers data in real time and ensures reliable supply and stable pressure, for which otherwise would be necessary to have additional pumps, reservoirs and pressure regulation
Oil and gas industry
Production and refining of oil and natural gas is characterized by wells, long pipelines and valves located on places difficult to approach. PLC devices calculate gas flow and supervise pressure reducing equipment and cathode protection adaptors.
This branch of industry must apply most rigorous security measures to prevent outflows, fires and explosions in installations with petroleum and gas. Therefore each site must be permanently surveyed from one or more control centers. Intrinsically secure connections among PLC devices and sensors at unapproachable or prohibited areas can be realized by adding industrial pre-voltage protection circuits to discreet inputs and output and data cables.
Public alert systems
Electronic sirens are used for public alerting in cases of accidents due to natural forces, pollution, radiation and other dangers. Operators of those systems demand reliable method of supervision and up-to-date information on status of the system. PLC devices can provide the demanded quality of communication among sirens and the control centre, and they are capable of choosing the right combination of sounds and previously recorded voice messages to expand the usefulness of the system.
Using one or more SCADA/HMI computers combined with PLC devices gives advanced possibilities like activating chosen groups of sirens, backup communication lines, silent testing and receiving pre-recorded warning voice messages.
Managing telecommunications networks
The network fault management system enhances performance reliability of remote installations and helps reduce downtime periods in case of failures. This system supervises conventional and trunking base stations, analog and digital cellular systems and microwave and cable telecommunication systems.
The telemetric (sub)system in telecommunications networks is programmed to monitor remote locations thereby enabling the operator to get quick and meaningful warnings of unusual behavior of communication equipment, electric generators, air conditioning and batteries, as well as from fire and anti theft sensors.
Alarming fire brigades
Coordination of fire and ambulance vehicles from many fire stations in town is very important to fire-fighting services. This must be performed exceptionally quickly and reliably to reduce damages caused by fire and enhance usefulness for the community.
Automation offers a wonderful solution for those demands. The message from dispatching center is received by all fire stations and the system intelligence decides which station is to react. In a fire station PLC can automatically switch on lights in respective areas, forward the dispatcher's voice message to the public address system, open garage doors where the needed fire-engines are, inform the dispatching center when the brigade leaves the station, switch on the antitheft alarm system, switch off lights and other appliances. Computers in dispatching center enable easy selection of fire stations and their fire equipment. The same computers can transmit voice messages as well.
Image transmission
One of the telemetric system functions is a visual confirmation of incidents detected at remote locations. This solution includes one or more cameras connected to PLC by an appropriate device which takes and digitalizes pictures either in regular intervals or upon received signal, compresses it and prepares for sending through the system network.
Transmission of images is appropriate for visual supervision of wiring, detecting fire, early flood noticing or confirming the security disturbance. The unique value of the system is in the fact the decisions of the operators in SCADA/HMI control centers are not depending only on the signals from simple sensors from remote locations, but the real situation checked by pictures made at the moment when something